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The Shack
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Specializing in house plants, pots for your plants, tea blends, organic herbs, and clothing.
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The Shack’s Growing Journal
Is It Air Plants That You Are After?
We have such a wide selection of air plants with the perfect air plant holders to display them in your home or office. They are great gifts as well, perfect for everyone, whether you’re an experienced plant owner or new to it. Learn how to care for them !
Searching for Succulents?
Are you looking for an easy plant for your home? Read a little more about succulents to see if it’s the perfect plant for you!

Give the Gift of Greenery
Plants are as thoughtful a gift as flowers and last much longer. With a gift card, you can brighten up someone’s home, office or dorm room with a plant and pot of their choice. We also have a wide variety of other products!